User Information

This page provides a starting point for those who wish to find out more about the HBF Interactive Harbour Map and HBF Harbour Database, outlining how to make best use of them.  If you are new to databases, the Introductory Guide contains information about the structure and features of these resources which will help you to get started easily and effectively including:

  • How to get started with the Google Earth software and load the Victoria Harbour “plug-in”
  • How to navigate through the folder structure 
  • How to display information selectively – selecting categories and layers individually and in combination
  • How to apply spreadsheet filters to focus on relevant locations or classifications of data

The target user groups are:  

Cross-Government - to provide a simplified Sub-GIS that can be understood by all  together with support communications and decision-making processes concerning Victoria Harbour.

General Public and Educational Institutions - to obtain information about Victoria Harbour related to personal interest and educational projects.

Marine Stakeholders and Professionals - to use structured information in the development of cases for change.